Thursday, January 31, 2008


Hey, Clay here again, just wanted to give a little update on today's doctor visit. Overall it was a good visit, very nice doctor and he actually did his endocrinology fellowship underneath a long time family friend at Duke University. Our families have gone to church together since I was a wee little one. He's the same doctor who suggested getting this who pituitary thing looked into. Interesting how everything has played out up to this point. Anyways, this was basically a cursory/draw a bunch of blood exam. I'll go in early next morning for another blood test and then it will be a matter of getting all the lab results to see what they turn up. The one I'm going in in the morning for is basically the "have it or not" blood test that will determine if I do have the condition acromegaly. The MRI shows an enlarged pituitary, so if acgromegaly is diagnosed than the next step would be a closer inspection of the film and determining if there is any place on the gland that is the cause. If so surgery, which is routine and that would be that and the result would HOPEFULLY be complete relief, though even if I still have migraine for whatever other reason, than the treatment would still be likely to greatly decrease the intensity and frequently. Anyway, I'm not really worried/thinking about anything past lab results. Obviously my hope is that I have the condition, they do their thing and then it's all said and done, no more pain. Where I'm at mentally is that we're just waiting for more test results that will just rule out the next possible cause and have to continue a possibly never-ending search. Only time will tell and God's doing His thing and as was fleshed out in meeting with my pastor today, I don't like where I am, and I'm definitely not happy about it, but all I have is Christ to lean on. And there it is. So in short, keep praying and we should have all the lab results back on Monday. Now, it's off to watch the season premiere of Lost!

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